We hope this information will help you understand more about what we believe about Communion.

As you work through the content, be sure you ask any questions you may have. You don’t have to understand everything about Communion when you take it and you can ask the Holy Spirit to help you.


We believe that Communion is for all who trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. You do not need to be a member of Crossview, but you should be able to describe what it means that Jesus is your Savior and Lord.


Communion is one of the two sacraments that we celebrate in the Church, the other is baptism. A sacrament is an outward sign of an invisible grace.

Jesus started the tradition of Communion at the Last Supper and instructed his disciples to continue the tradition until he comes back for us (Luke 22∶14-22). The apostle Paul, an early leader in the Church, gave very clear instructions as to how we are to celebrate Communion (1 Corinthians 11∶23-26).

Communion is the sacrament of sustaining Christian life. It reminds us of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. It is a meal that helps us remember that we are connected to Jesus and that we need him. It also reminds us that we are connected to the body of Christ, here and around the world and throughout the ages.


Jesus first told the disciples about Communion during his last supper with them before he died on the cross. Sometimes, you will hear Communion called “The Lord’s Supper” which is another way of helping Christians understand what we are doing when we celebrate communion. Look at the scriptures below and answer the questions.

Read Matthew 26∶26-29

What did Jesus say about the bread? “This is my _____________.”

What do you think that means?

What did Jesus say about His blood? My blood is “poured out for many for the ________________________ of sins.”

What do you think he was saying?

Read Mark 14∶22-25

What did Jesus say when He passed the cup?

Why do you think he said this?

Read 1 Corinthians 11∶23-26

Why did Jesus say the disciples should take communion? (vs.24)

What happens when Jesus’ followers take communion? (vs. 26)


When you prepare to celebrate Communion with the Church, think about the following things:

  1. Remember Jesus’ death. Jesus went to the Cross as the final sacrifice for sin. How does that make you feel knowing that Jesus died for you?
  2. Think about how you are living. Think about your thought, words and actions lately. Ask God to help you be aware of any hidden sins you may have in your life. When you recognize sin in your life, confess it to God. Admit you have done or are doing something wrong, and ask God to forgive you. This is one of the reasons we say the Lord’s prayer in preparation for taking communion.
  3. Receive help from God. God has promised to forgive you and God wants to help you to not sin again. If you are struggling with a reoccurring sin in your life, ask God to help you obey Him and live for Him


  1. Communion is a time for you to think about what God has done for you in sending Jesus who was willing to be the eternal sacrifice for human sin.
  2. Realize that God is present with you when you take Communion. Listen to what God may be saying to you.
  3. The word “elements” means the bread and the juice.
  4. Usually at Crossview we receive Communion by coming forward. There will be servers standing in front of the section where you are sitting. One of the servers will be holding a basket that has bread in it and the other holding cups of grape juice.
  5. The servers will hand you the bread and juice and say, “The body of Christ, broken for you,” and “The blood of Christ, shed for you.” If you are at home, worshipping online, you can say the same as you serve those you might be worshipping with.
  6. After you receive the bread and juice, you can dip the bread in the cup of juice and eat it.
  7. When finished, you can return to where you were sitting. Take this time to pray to God.


Q: Why do we use bread and juice (wine)? In Jesus’ time, these were common elements in every meal. At the Last Supper, Jesus was celebrating a festival called “Passover” which reminded the Israelites of the time God delivered them from Egypt. The bread and juice (wine) that Jesus used had special significance for the Israelites. Bread was essential food needed for living. Jesus is saying that we not only need bread to live, we need Jesus in order to be fully alive. Jesus is the bread that gives us the strength to truly live for God. (John 6∶48-50). Blood represents life (Leviticus 17:11).  Hebrews talks about the fact that without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness (Hebrews 9:22). In other words, Jesus was laying out a new promise that life and forgiveness were found in him, not in old the sacrificial system.

Q: I have a gluten allergy and eating bread makes me feel sick. Does that mean I can’t receive Communion? At Crossview we will always make sure that some of the bread served is gluten-free (look in the bulletin to find the servers with gluten-free bread). We want you to fully participate in this meal.